Thursday, March 25, 2010

Give thanks to ALLAH

Give thanks to ALLAH
I came across a song in praise of ALLAH. It was mentioned that it is sung by Michael Jackson, and i was in an awe. I started checking on the internet to get the information and i came to know that he has converted to islam… I was not aware of it.

Michael Jackson reported to have converted to the Nation of Islam in December 2003. Saeed Shabazz, a reporter for the Nation of Islam’s publication, The Final Call, announced that Mr. Jackson had joined the organization. According to the publication, in 2005, he had officially announced that he has been following the five tenets of Islam and intends to convert to Islam, according to a report on the website of Arab-Israeli newspaper Panorama. Discover Islam spokesman Aman Khailb adds, “Thousands of people are embracing Islam, Michael is just one of them”.
“Give thanks to Allah
For the moon and the stars
Prays in all day full
What is and what was
Take hold of your imaan,
Dont give in to shaitaan
Oh you who believe please give thanks to Allah.


Allah is Gafoor,
Allah is Raheem,
Allah is the One who loves the mohsineen
He is our Creator,
He is our Sustainer
and He is the One who has power over all”.

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